After three and half weeks of anticipation....... the puppies finally got to meet their auntie. My sister Nancy came to stay with us this weekend and finally met the puppies. She fell in love with all of them, so much that I had to count them when she left to make sure she hadn't snuck one away in her pocket. We had a great weekend. My little bro came over Friday night and he got to see the puppies for the first time too. Then we all headed to the Bueno for some good food followed by the mall for some shopping. After we successfully found my little bro 3 pairs of jeans in less than an hour (not an easy task, let me assure you)we headed back to the casa for some puppy time and an on demand movie. We decided on Australia and lost interest less than half of the way through (it was very slow), and were then entertained by Roxy and a very excited, bouncing off the walls Bella. Bella still thinks she is a teeny puppy that can jump in your lap and nibble your ears but, though she is still a puppy (10 months), she is very large and weighs a good 50-60 pounds. Thoroughly slobbered, but escaping major injury from my wild dog, David left at 11:00 to make it back to S-town for his midnight curfew (aren't you proud mom and dad?)Me and Nance proceeded to stay up way too late, deciding to make banana nut bread at midnight....well I made the bread, she fell asleep on the couch. Saturday morning we drug ourselves out of bed to shower before our Mom, Gram, and Mema got to the house. Mema and Gram hadn't seen the puppies yet, and they just loved them. Especially Gram.... she could hardly put them down! We went out to eat and shopping with the ladies and then crashed as soon as they left in the afternoon, until barely waking up to the sound of the doorbell when Lissy, Mama, and Papa got there. We visited with them and they also saw the puppies for the first time (it was a big weekend for those little pups) and of course- loved them. We all met Nathan at Chicken Express (favorite of Nancy and new favorite of Lissy) for some good chicken and better company. After supper Nathan had to leave us to go back to work...poor guy, that's all he ever does is go to school and work. Lissy, Mama, and Papa headed back to Ballinger and Nancy and I went shopping...again. We closed down Hobby Lobby (Nathan says that store was made for me), and then headed to Wal-mart. We got some thing we needed, and some things we didn't and headed back home to get started on a project.... haha I love projects!! We put all of the puppies in onesies, trying to recreate a magazine pic Lissy brought us (thanks for the idea Liss). We didn't have a lot of success because the puppies were still to small for even the preemie ones. We had to tie up the extra fabric with twine in the back. Then we hung all of them from the horse shoes of my coat rack ( John T made that for me by them way, by putting those hooks on a big piece of cedar my dad gave me). The puppies were not fond of hanging so high in the air, and neither was Henley. Nancy and I were both so nervous about the puppies falling and from all of Henley's barking that we could hardly get a decent shot of them. Oh well....they still looked sooo cute in their outfits! Auntie Nancy left us on Sunday and Nathan and I had a peaceful afternoon of laundry and movies. There is a slide show below of some pics of the puppies from this weekend. There are also some cute but not wonderful pics that are the product of our "project." To see full screen just click the scrapblog logo and then click the full screen icon.