Monday, April 23, 2012

My girl

          Man, I have a lot of catching up to do. I have been terrible about updating my blog.... so sorry! I promise to catch up soon! I'm about to get ready for bed (yes it is 6:30 in the evening.... don't judge), but I wanted to give you a quick update on my girl.
          She is getting so big! Last Thursday, she weighed 3 pounds 3 ounces. Yay! She does a lot of kicking and moving these days.... especially when I lay down to go to sleep ; ). I don't mind though.... I treasure every movement that I am blessed to feel. I haven't done any pregnancy updates lately either so here are some stats for ya-

Weight gain- I think about 20 pounds. I went up and down so much in the beginning that I'm not sure where I started anymore.
Lorabelle- 3lb 3 oz 15 in long
Cravings- not really having any
Pregnancy symptoms- Fatigue is starting to set in again. It seems like about once a week I need a good 10-12 hour sleep.
Movements- lots! Love them!

Here are some pictures of my pretty girl.....

Here she is with her chubby cheeks!

This one was taken just two weeks earlier.... Amazing how much she changed in two weeks! 

Here are a couple more from last week. The first one is her little nose and mouth and chin, and the second is her face and belly.

I cannot wait to meet this precious little girl!! In the meantime.... I'm going to get a little sleep. Goodnight and thank you for your love and prayers for me and Lorabelle!