Do you know how your meat gets to the store? Many times huge numbers of cows and pigs and goats are crammed into a livestock truck with little room to breath much less to turn around. They are given little or no food and water and are left standing in their own waste. Hundreds of animals die on their route to the slaughter house due to disease, lack of water, or from being smothered. I think this is a horrible last few days of life and I wish that no animals had to go through that. I was reading on the website for the World Society for the protection of animals and discovered that there are some labels to help you to support the humane treatment of animals. I didn't know that such ratings existed but food that is rated certified humane, animal welfare approved, or American humane certified are the best options for assuring the animals were raised and shipped in a humane way. If you cannot find these labels, Pasture raised and USDA organic are also good choices. i haven't yet looked for these in the store so I don't know how easy they are to find or if they are more expensive. I'll update when I find out.....just wanted to pass on the info for those of you who want to support the humane treatment of farm animals. Here are the labels to look for: